Do you ever wonder why there are certain times in your life when things spiral out of control? You get bad news on top of more bad news. You wonder when it is going to end. If you have been following my blog, you know that I also write about health related things. Last year was a particularly hard year for me health wise, but I was determined not to let it beat me down. There are some things that are not in my control, and try as I might, I have not been able to figure out how to put money in the bank and keep it there.
Just last week, one of our cars was in the shop. Since we finally paid it off, the repairs probably cost near what the thing would be worth if we could trade it in. I have tried my hardest to save a small amount of money, but the attempt has been in vain. I keep thinking about those shows where they find things to sell in the attic, but I don’t think my brother’s He-Man and my old Barbie pool are going to make me much money. I did manage to find a few misshapen lumps of clay that I made in elementary school for my parents. A lumpy green vase with an unsteady bottom, an ashtray in brown and orange (sure to fetch tons of money), and some sort of pocket thing you hang on the wall.
Since everyone I know is working on their best-selling novel, I’ll let you know when I publish mine. Until then, let me know if you need me to make you a deal on a slightly lumpy green vase. It’s sure to be worth something one day.
“A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.” ~Yogi Berra