Self Expression Magazine

The Ultimate Search

Posted on the 25 September 2011 by Kluckmeister @kluckitblog

A simple touch, a devious look, a subtle smile.
Hair flowing like beams of golden light, forcefully destroying darkness and fear.
Mysterious, intriguing, exhilarating.

The rest of the world melts away as the tunnel focuses on the inviting eyes that reach deep into the heart, daring it to ignore logic and let impulse guide it through an impossible journey reserved only for tales that fairies use to lull their children to sleep.

In one moment, everything works.
One becomes one and two take control of destiny,
commanding it to surrender to illogical will.

Definitions are erased,
boundaries lost,
categories undefined.

The souls want nothing more than to break free from their constraints and dance towards the heavens, stopping only to play in the clouds. Questions of how and why become meaningless. No future or direction, only the present.

A destination filled with euphoria and enlightenment, previously thought unattainable.

So close it shivers,
so close it feels,
so close.

The Ultimate Search

Reality beckons.
A string is pulled.
Unwilling departure facilitated by doubt and disbelief.

A century compressed.
Barriers returned, separated by bottomless crevasses.
Questions emerge, unanswerable.

A perfect moment painted in a gallery of millions.
Lost but not forgotton.
Relived only as a shadow of the truth.

Nothing matters but the pursuit to refill,
and so the journey begins…

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