Self Expression Magazine

The Versatile Blogger Award

Posted on the 04 August 2013 by Mummyflyingsolo @mummyflyingsolo

versatileDamn let me tell you something about these awards…they really drive traffic to your site. Or maybe it’s just that the followers who don’t normally read your posts DO read the award posts. Who knows. Anyway I’m not complaining. It’s just an observation during this award-a-thon I’ve got going on.

I know you are going to be so sad but this is the last award in my batch. I know right! You’ll just have to keep your eyes peeled on all those blogs I recommended to see their award acceptance speeches instead of mine.

So this one is The Versatile Blogger Award and was awarded to my by the lovely Valley Girl Gone Country. If you’ve been paying attention then you should know who she is as I nominated her in one of my awards last night. She writes about whatever takes her fancy at the time so she is indeed versatile. I’m glad she thinks I am too.

Okey dokey, enough of my blathering. Let’s get down to business before my lappie battery runs flat!

The rules for this are:

1. Display the Award Certificate on your website/blog. 2. Announce your win with a post. Make sure to post a link back to me as a ‘thank you’ for the nomination. 3. Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers. 4. Drop them a comment to tip them off after you have linked them in the post. 5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

Hmmmmm there’s that word again. Interesting. The pressure, the pressure. It’s hard enough to be interesting on a normal day let alone on command. Here’s my best effort.

1. My blog is getting a makeover! Yes, keep your eyes peeled for a new theme coming soon. It’s going to be smashing!

2. I was hit by a car when I was 5 years old right out front of my house (yes this is as well as that big accident when I was 14). You don’t want to cross a road with me. I’m a liability. Kidding. I feel my journey with cars and accidents is done for this lifetime. Phew.

3. My son’s dad (X-man) and I have a great co-parenting relationship. It works really really well. I think we are a positive model of how separated parents can work.

4. I’m feeling super tired so think I may have a nap soon (Monkey is with X-man today)

5. I’m generally a pretty organised person and like structure and schedules but I am helpless against the mess of a toddler. That kid is a nightmare toy thrower.

6. X-man and I actually decided to have a baby together without being in a super serious relationship at the time. Was it complicated? Yes. But I wouldn’t change it for the world.

7. I don’t believe in regrets. Live the life you choose. If you make a bad decision then you make a bad decision. No looking back with regret is going to change it. Learn the lesson instead and move on. Always forward people. Always forward.

Now 15 awesomely versatile bloggers for your viewing pleasure!

1. Magical Chaos

2. Dad Down Under

3. Start Over As A Ms

4. M & A’s World

5. Life at No 2

6. 23 Thorns

7. Don of All Trades

8. How to Ruin A Toddlers Day

9. Liberty Dee

10. Long Live Go

11. Did That Just Happen Blog

12. The Homeschooling Doctor

13. Finding Ninee

14. How Not to Kill Your Parents

15. Ah Dad

Ok award winners, you know what to do. Either get to it with your homework or ah, leave it out so the dog can eat it.

Thank you so much to all the people that took the time to give me these awards. Thanks so much everyone for reading them and coming to visit my blog. I promise to never do an award-a-thon again. It will be in and out and in out with these babies. No building it up in the drafts folder. I promise!

And on that note I’m off to have that nap I was talking about. I’m one tired mommy.

nap time

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