The year started off on a slight
But surely sad note
Where once I could not find time for each,
Now I stifled to share what lumped in my throat.
Where once I thought togetherness,
Being a family, being there, every day
And celebrating together was what it's about,
Now lay in pieces, each across a different bay.
All those people whom I gave
My heart, my soul, my ear and shoulder,

And I sat as alone as a grumpy toddler.
The year started off with a riff
A word or two I could not agree with.
A pinch in the heart that triggered
A deep, warm drop to tear from my eye slit
The year started off with a wonder too-

Or hope for better people to love me,
Or be like others- a selfish phlegm?
The year started off with self realization
My own importance to important people
How my thoughts stand alone
Different from everyone's, I'm a cripple.

Although, the year started off with hope
Of finding the bonding again with my family
Dear ones who've loved me even before
I was brought to this cold, beautiful galaxy.