#TBT Throwing it waaaay back for my new peeps.
Originally posted on The Burned Hand:
Urine. What a fun topic. Well, as I said in the beginning, it has to happen to someone, and as it so happens, it already has. So, here I am trying to get over my first health scare of a new year, only to find something else wrong. I go back to my gynecologist as I figured something was dreadfully wrong with my prior condition. Maybe I just have a urinary tract infection (UTI). It was the first time I can honestly say that I hoped that was the problem. On this occasion, all the tests came back normal. If I had been someone fictional like Dr. House, perhaps I could have sorted out my symptoms right away and made a great big flow chart of some sort or bounced a ball to find the right answer. I would have realized that when I was working, I got cut easily…View original 488 more words