Last year, when I found out about the Sandy Hook shooting, these were my thoughts.
Originally posted on The Burned Hand:
During my lunch yesterday, a few teachers asked me if I heard the news. I had not. I briefly scanned the headlines and started crying right then. I could not do this right now. I had my babies coming back in so I had to push all emotion away and get through the rest of my day plus a meeting. It was strange. One asked if she could have an extra hug. One hopped up on my lap to tell me he loved me. I hadn’t said a thing, but I hugged them tighter.
When I got off work, I did not check headlines as I had plans with my family. I headed straight home. We were having a family night that we had planned in advance with my parents, brother, and niece. On the car ride up to the special place known as Christmas Town, I started crying and…
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