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Thesis Statements - Roane State Community College

Posted on the 07 April 2017 by Ruperttwind @RuperttWind
Date: 2017-04-07 06:54 More videos "Good thesis introduction paragraph help"

Start your introduction with a sentence that gets the reader interested in the topic. To pique the reader's interest, you can begin with a quote, a personal story, a surprising statistic or an interesting question. For example, if you are arguing that smoking should be banned from all public places, you can start your introduction by referencing a statistic from a verified source: "Tobacco use kills more than five million people every year -- more than HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined, according to the World Health Organization." This strategy grabs the reader's attention while introducing the topic of the essay.

Thesis Statements and Topic Sentences

Remember, this is not the only type of effective thesis statement, but using this pattern is helpful if you are having difficulty creating your thesis and staying organized in your writing.

Introductory Paragraph

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Thesis Statements - Roane State Community College

Start by thinking about the question (or questions) you are trying to answer. Your entire essay will be a response to this question, and your introduction is the first step toward that end. Your direct answer to the assigned question will be your thesis, and your thesis will likely be included in your introduction, so it is a good idea to use the question as a jumping off point. Imagine that you are assigned the following question:

Oh, come on, you did all of the work. I 8767 m happy to have given you a little inspiration. I 8767 m sure that you earned that A.

I may be wrong, but I wanted some clarification. I was taught in college that the thesis statement always have to be the last sentence in the introductory paragraph. Yours does not follow that rule. So as long as a thesis in somewhere in the intro, it is okay? I am trying to teach my HS son to write an essay.
Thank you

Avoid announcing the thesis statement as if it were a thesis statement. In other words, avoid using phrases such as "The purpose of this paper is.... " or "In this paper, I will attempt to...." Such phrases betray this paper to be the work of an amateur. If necessary, write the thesis statement that way the first time it might help you determine, in fact, that this is your thesis statement. But when you rewrite your paper, eliminate the bald assertion that this is your thesis statement and write the statement itself without that annoying, unnecessary preface.

Create a thesis statement that is narrow and concise. One way to create a thesis statement is to think of a question your topic raises and then create a sentence that answers that question. For example, if your topic for literature class is the Modernist movement, you could turn the topic into a question: How does the Modernist movement continue to influence 76st century authors? Develop a one-sentence answer to that question, and this can be the basis for a thesis statement. Be aware that your thesis statement must be narrow enough that you can answer the question in the assigned length of the paper.

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This wikiHow will teach you how write an essay introduction, from building a concise introduction to avoiding common pitfalls.

Thesis Statements - Roane State Community College

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