I now officially hate the song Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke. I hear it at least once a day, usually more often. I must have heard it at least 5 or 6 times during the 3 hour drive to #PowerUp2013 last weekend. I am officially sick of it. However, this combination of Blurred Lines and the theme from the old TV show Sanford and Son made me smile. Who knew these songs went so well together. Here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zClaFW3rsJg (YouTube won't let me embed this one)
The week before last my blogger friend Rachee from Say It "Rah-shay" liked up her post Let the Parodies Begin for #FlashbackFriday. This is officially one of my favorite Flashback link ups. She did a parody of Carly Rae Jepsen's song Call Me Maybe. I love the way her daughter and sister are smiling in the video. I had the biggest smile while watching it. She also included a few other parodies in her post as well. My favorite of the other parodies is the cookie monster one.
A friend of mine posted this picture on Facebook and I really did laugh out loud. I did not just smile or chuckle to myself and type LOL in the comments. I actually laughed out loud.

Seeing Chasing Joy listed among the nominees for the 2013 Black Weblog Award had me smiling as well. I'd greatly appreciate your vote. You can only vote one time per computer. Go to http://www.blackweblogawards.com .
Lastly I am smiling because of my blogger friends who have applied to be a Chasing Joy Ambassador. You can read about that here -->> http://www.chasing-joy.com/p/off-blog.html .
What has made you smile over the last few days???