Self Expression Magazine


Posted on the 13 January 2017 by Zer @the2women

…thinkIf Twitter is to be believed, today being Thursday means its a day for thoughts, #ThursdayThoughts, to be precise, and with Friday upon us, I’m sure we all have plenty of those…

Of course, we all know (or should) that not everything on Twitter should be believed (generally speaking, of course), at least not without a bit of critical thought on our end as well. So, today my #ThursdayThoughts are mainly on thinking (not just technically reading, but full-on thinking) for yourself.

We are living in an age of information overload (again generally, no specific information in mind here), and it is not easy. So, we basically have two options. You can completely remove yourself from society.


Or, in the words of one of our we can stop taking everything we read on the Internet at face value.


The choice is yours. I have a personal preference, but I’ll leave you to yours.

Here’s to deep thoughts this Thursday and every day.

…bi-daily smile…

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