Self Expression Magazine

…think Lovely Thoughts

Posted on the 28 June 2018 by Zer @the2women

…think lovely thoughtsCrusaders, you don’t have to have looked at too many headlines this week to know, it’s been a rough few days (or so…).

Sometimes it can be really challenging to find the good news in the middle of all the SHOUTING, but I promise you it is there. Yes, even on the internet.

So today, I though I’d take a minute or two for some positive #ThursdayThoughts.

I’m not saying stop fighting the injustices, I’m saying remember that good things are happening too. Here are a few of them…I’m a fan of “CBS Sunday Morning” in general for a good pick-me-up for the soul, and in case of emergency, there’s not a frown that Steve Hartman’s “On the Road” series can’t turn upside down. Fair warning, you’ll probably end up crying…but your faith in humanity will be restored.

Also, this happened Monday…and for the non-theater dorks, this is not one but two Anastasias (TWO) singing their faces off…also, Broadway Princess Party exists, so this is really a two-for-one…

Also, “Trial & Error” is coming back for a second season, and Kristin Chenoweth has joined the show…

And if you need a weekly dose…

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— Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) June 22, 2018

…bi-daily smile…


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