For the busy Halloween-lover on a budget, SCOTTY is the mantra of the season. Here’s what it means in a nutshell: Simple, Cheap, Obscure, Tailored, Tactful, You.

It doesn’t mean this.
- SIMPLE is not relative. Your costume should take you only a few minutes to put on. 5 minutes max for every hour you’ll be wearing it.
- CHEAP is also not relative. Remember, this thing is basically disposable.
- OBSCURE is the key to keeping it simple and cheap. Delve into your mind for an esoteric character or creature. Main characters or figures from popular sources require all the right props and styling, esoteric ones only require one or two things.
- TAILORED just means it fits right. After all, you want to look good. Putting on a giant ghost sheet just makes it look like you’re hiding.
- TACTFUL is a reminder that obscure doesn’t mean crass. Halloween is a social event and people shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable just because you’re an art major who thought Picasso’s blue period would be appropriately esoteric.
- YOU should be reflected in your costume of choice. Skip the pop topics for something that speaks to you on a personal level. That’s how legendary conversations are made, and best friends are found.
Some SCOTTY costume suggestions:
- Harvey Dent, pre-two-face – a suit, a patriotic tie, a double sided coin from your local magic shop, and if you’re feeling social, some propaganda for your election.
- Bruce Banner, post hulking-out – Nice geeky clothes that have been ripped up. Don’t forget the glasses.
- Guy from Memento- Regular clothes, but write notes all over your body in pen. This one is fun because as you learn things about people throughout a party, you can write it down. “Zombie guy = Jim, his girlfriend is Fern Gully fairy”.
- Tyler Burden- Crisp suit and a few bruises and bandages on your face and hands.
- Mulder- Any suit will do, but regulation black shoes and black socks, no fancy business. Also, you’ll need a badge and ID for around your neck.
- Wesley, a la Princess Bride- Unfitted, flowy black clothes and a black bandana wrapped around your head.
- Pre-Wolverine Wolverine-Scar makeup for your knuckles, a lot of gel to spike your hair, and a white t-shirt and jeans. Unless you’re more of a fan of the movie pre-Wolverine Wolverine, in which case a tank, not a t-shirt.
- Original invisible man- Gauze around your head, and any clothes you want.
- Arthur Dent- Bathrobe and a towel.
- Holo-person, a la Red Dwarf- Just put a sparkly H on your forehead and wear whatever you want.
- The First Slayer- Cloth or gauze wrapped around you, and ashy paint all over.
- Willow- A big ugly yet adorable sweater, jeans, and a stake.
- Green Lantern – Dress however you want, but you gotta have the ring.
- Poison Ivy – Green swimsuit and tights, and draw ivy all over yourself.
- Cloak from Cloak and Dagger- A big white cloak over black clothes
- Tomb Raider – Boots, tank, small shorts, and harnesses wherever you can attach ‘em.
- Battlestar Galactica random soldier- Sleeveless gray shirt, with backwards army green tank, and matching pants. Boots and dogtags a plus!
- Random street Vulcan- Normal clothes, just buy the ears at any costume shop.
Do you have a SCOTTY costume suggestion to add to the list? Do you remember this post from when I posted it last year? What are you going to be this Halloween?