Self Expression Magazine


Posted on the 11 January 2014 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand


This is a “reblog” from 3 years ago.

Time...Originally posted on The Burned Hand:

I have to start off with a quote tonight.  “When in doubt, mumble; when in trouble, delegate; when in charge, ponder.”  ~James H. Boren

I am starting off with that because I had written a completely different post and “threw it in the trash”.  I was in a rather bad mood the other day and I know better than to write when I am in a bad mood.  I write my best posts in my mind as I am going to bed.  However, by that time, I have already posted something.  I rarely go back and change anything after I have posted it because it wouldn’t be fair.  It was my mood at the time and how I felt.  Writing exposes a side of a person and if you aren’t careful, you can get hurt.  So, my advice to myself is, do not write when you are in a…

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