Self Expression Magazine

…Tip Your Hat

Posted on the 16 January 2019 by Zer @the2women

…Tip Your HatToday I'm taking a moment to tip my hat to National Hat Day. While hats deserve our appreciation for more than a day, I will take this opportunity to extol on just a few of their many virtues.

More than a mere accessory hats are perfect for practical reasons too. Anyone caught in the middle of an eternal winter can attest to their usefulness.

…Tip Your Hat

They even come in handy once spring finally arrives.

…Tip Your HatOf course, the true power of a hat comes from its multitasking abilities. Hats can simultaneously make you look amazing while blocking out half of your peripheral vision and providing you with a perfect half cocoon in which to practice your side-eye.

…Tip Your HatBasically, winter, spring, summer, fall, fashion or function - hats have got you covered. Literally.

...just for fun:

Rest in peace, Ms. Channing...

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