Self Expression Magazine

Tips for Amtrak Train Travel: Do's & Don'ts for a Joyful Train Ride

Posted on the 07 October 2013 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Tips for Amtrak Train Travel: Do's & Don'ts for a Joyful Train ride Today's blog post is coming to you from the rails.  I'm writing while on the Amtrak train.  I'm on my way back home from Atlanta, where I attended #Blogalicious5 and accomplished a goal on my Devil's workshop list.  Blog posts on the conference and milestone coming soon. 

Since I am on the Amtrak train I'm going to share with you some do's and don't for a Joyful train ride. 

1. Don't assume your train will have wifi. While wifi is increasingly available every where we go, its not omnipresent yet. So if you normally listen to Pandora or I Heart Radio download some music to your device in case your train does not have wifi.  Also, check out the Amtrak website to see which trains and stations have wifi. 

2. Do increase the your data package on your cell phone plan.  You will likely be using more data than normal (see above not on wifi).

3. Do bring snacks.  The train does not restrict liquids or anything like the airport does.  Also, unlike air travel, no one comes through the train offering free beverages.

4. Don't drink lots of water or other beverage before or on the train.   I'm not going to go into detail here.  I'll just say my goal is to not go in there at all during this 17 hour ride. 

5. Do bring baby wipes and hand sanitizer in case you are not as good as me at holding it, and venture into the rest room.  (Shout out to my mom foe reminding me to bring them)

6. Do have small talk with your fellow travelers in the train station and if you don't have a seat to yourself.  By small talk I mean things like how are you, where are you headed, dobyou ride the train often, etc...

7. Don't share too much with strangers on the train.   Topics to avoid: family problems, weird hobbies or fetishes, andunsolicited parenting advice. 

8. Do bring a blanket or something warm to wear. It gets really cold.  Shout out to my coworker for warning me about this ahead of time.

9. Don't forget to make sure your infant is dressed for the cold as well.  If they aren't they will likely keep you and others on the train up all night, resulting in dirty looks from other passengers.  

10. Do bring a sleeping mask. They do turn the lights down at night but not all the way off. 

11. Do consider taking the train for trips that are less than 24 hours if you are like me and hate flying.  It was fairly relaxing and less anxiety producing than flying. 

Have you ever traveled by train? What was your experience?  Would you do it again?  

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