Self Expression Magazine

Top 4 Biggest Weight Loss Hurdles

Posted on the 16 November 2015 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

Funny thing...people think that they put on weight during the holidays more so than at any other time; however, it's not the holidays that really do it. It's actually making a plan, having a goal, and sticking to it. But we will get to that part.

The first one is actually Loss of Motivation and I get that reason from clients well, lots. At first, it's like a special thing. You are super pumped to start this journey, but slowly you let your mind take over and put you back where you started. Negative Ghost Rider. Abort. Abort. It's cold. It's raining. I saw a big piece of the best flan ever and had to put it in my mouth. <<< that one was mine. Anyway, I have been there. What has helped me to stay consistent for over 2 years? I will tell you.

  • I lay out my workout clothes (yoga for me) the night before.
  • I make sure my water bottle is ready to go and clean.
  • I get to wear the pants at the back of the closet. I remind myself that.
  • I got rid of the pants that I had saved that were the "big" pants. No lie.
  • I use a dry erase marker and write on my bathroom mirror where I can see it. Daily.

Number two is "I'm too busy for that." This one really gets on my nerves the most I think. It's not that I don't understand, but I remember how I felt when I was at my worst. My stomach was bloated, I was suffering from leaky gut, and I had tried everything including a personal trainer who kicked my ass to no avail. The real reason you say you are too busy, is what if it fails? That's right. I know your secret. Being scared is part of the process, so please be honest with yourself. Sometimes, you have to go back to the starting point. But if you are working with a trainer, wellness coach or anyone else, check in with them and be honest about what you are afraid of. Be specific. Put it in words. I opened up with the person who asked me to come back to yoga and I specifically said "I am worried that I am in so much pain that I won't be able to do these things." And you know what, I wasn't able to do everything. And I lived. I got better, stronger, and then one day, the 5 people closest to me throughout my yoga training saw me do something I couldn't do before and it was a great feeling. I didn't let my excuses get in the way. Side note: I also had to come up with my own holistic wellness program in order for it to work since I knew more about autoimmune than who I initially signed up to work with. I did have to create something that didn't exist, but I didn't give up. Each and every time something didn't work, I started back at what was working and went from there.

Number three is actually eating out. I know that you love to go out to eat. So do I! Here's how we can make it work while still maintaining your goals.

  • Research the restaurant menu ahead of time. Look at the salads, appetizers and small plates and see if there are healthy options.
  • If you can't find anything healthy, pick a new place. If that is not an option because a function is scheduled there, call the place and ask about broiling or baking items that are on the menu instead.
  • Split a meal that is huge...they are almost always larger portion sizes!
  • Ask for salad dressing on the side, or better yet, ask for oil and vinegar so you can do it and you know what's in it.
  • Skip the dessert if at all possible and ask for black coffee.

The last hurdle this season is going to be parties. Wooo-hoo. I love me a good party. Yes, I just said that. Say it in a southern accent and you might be close to how I sound. Anyway, just so you know even I have a hard time with this one. This is difficult. Hugely difficult, but I have some great friends who are aware of my food sensitivities. Some non-tacky things you can do to make your life easier at parties include:

  • Make your own snacks to bring and share. Oh what did you bring to share? Ohhh, gluten-free, sugar-free, paleo pumpkin cookies says me. No one eats them but me. Winning! I get to take them home too.
  • Bring your own rice crackers and humus or veggies, etc.
  • Call your hostess, maybe less tacky, but you can say I am super excited to come to the holiday extravaganza at your beautiful house! You sure make the best food. What's on the menu this year? <<< sounding tacky no more. Now you are complimenting and fishing at the same time. Ask if you can bring something while casually mentioning your lifestyle change. She will want a lifestyle change too and you won't feel left out then.

So these are my tips to you this year. Carry on my gluten-free, paleo, sugar-free, possibly vegan warriors. Whoever you are, you can do this!!!

Top 4 Biggest Weight Loss HurdlesNew ^^^ linked to another blog:)


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