But I have to admit that while I've been fairly successful keeping up with all the lovely blogs I read - I make it a point to subscribe by email - I've had fun being offline - enjoying visitors and away from the pressure of checking email, which I can't seem to resist. Ugh! Also, because of the National Mathematics Year celebrations at Vidur's school, he had two unexpected days off to catch up on all that he's been wanting to do. I used the freedom from school rush to catch up with my own friends and I must say - lounging in the living room feels rather good compared to gazing at the computer screen!
I had lots of flowers this week - rose bouquets and loved rearranging the bouquets into mason jars that double up as vases for me. Since I also spent some time at school, I went around enjoying the greenery as I waited for the school team to return from their trip to another school. All in all, it has been a great week where I did get some work done, but didn't get much blogging done, except I wrote a post over at my other blog. Hmm.
You know, there was a time I contemplated integrated my other two blogs - Your Medical Guide and Coffee With Mi with this one, but later decided to let them be separate. There was also a time when I posted at least five times a week on all three blogs. I was letting the guilt build up about slacking off a bit but then again, consoled myself by taking stock of everything else I've accomplished instead.
Okay - so here are this week's pictures: (click to enlarge)
Loved this bright bouquet!
I split them into vases so we could enjoy their beauty all over the house!
A pretty Lotus pond
Loved the texture of these buds
Garden tended by the students
Variety of leaves - could gaze at them infinitely in the mild afternoon sunshine
I loved this photo with the colors jumping at me!
It has been a nice cozy week! And these pictures will always take me back to the warm, sunny and unhurried afternoon....filled with birdsong and the distant chatter of children. So many soul giggles!But no matter what I did, I would never miss Unknown Mami's Sundays In My City link up! So let us head over to her place and see what the others are up to!
Do you think I should bring the Disqus commenting system back on this blog? Would you find it easier to use? Let me know! I've been thinking about it because they've revamped it and added interesting features like tagging, etc. and I find it fun to use on many of the blogs I visit.
Have a wonderful week ahead!
Don't hurry. Don't worry. Do your best and let it rest. Enjoy the little things!