There aren't fewer presents, the tree is just bigger.
You better watch out. You better not cry, and you better not pout because Santa is profiling this year.
Yes, never fear, spineless parents, this year you don’t have to say,”no.” Santa can do it for you.
With the tough economic times, Santa is having to do a lot more than sit and smile for the photo at local shopping malls this year.
Sizing up financial circumstances and managing expectations have also been added to his repetoire.
You don’t even have to work on your Santa hand signals this year. Just make sure you dress appropriately for your current station in life. Especially if little Timmy has expensive tastes.
Sort of makes the ridiculously high price for the photo (and the joy/terror on your child’s face) seem worth it. Just think of how much you’re actually saving.
More on the Story: NY Times
…just for fun:
You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch