Self Expression Magazine

Try, Try, and Try Again for Joyful Weight Loss

Posted on the 28 October 2013 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
If at first you don't succeed then try and try again.  That is the old saying.  I think I must have tried and tried again about a million times when it comes to managing my weight.  Ok. Maybe not a million times but certainly hundreds if not thousands of times over the last 20 years (side note: I don't feel old enough to have been doing anything for 20 years) and I will keep trying.  We all have things that come easy and other things that pose as a real challenge.  I accept the fact that weight loss and weight control are the things that pose as a challenge for me.  I don't ever crave fruit or veggies and cake and fried foods always call my name.  This is a combination for weight gain.  So I have to really focus to make and stick to healthy changes.  But I will continue to try and try again because I know I'm worth it.
Right now I am trying again using  This is my 3rd dietbet.  The first one was challenging but I did well and lost 11.5lbs.  The 2nd time I did not do well at all.  I was not focused and then I didn't try very hard once it was not likely I'd make the goal.  This time I should not have as many distractions so I am going to try, try, and try again.  I'm going to do the things I did the 1st time I tried dietbet.
Try, Try, and Try Again for Joyful Weight Loss
As you see in the collage above one thing that worked the 1st time was cooking more at home.  So yesterday I tried a new recipe.  I made a roast pork loin.  I don't eat a lot of pork (other than bacon) so I've never even had pork loin.  I got the recipe from the clean eating plan from Emeals.  
The recipe was pretty easy.  I actually did not measure anything so I can't give you the precise details but I'm confident you can totally wing it if you try this yourself.  
Season the pork loin with your preferred seasoning salt or salt and pepper.  Then brown the loin on all sides in a pan with olive oil. Try, Try, and Try Again for Joyful Weight Loss While the meat is browning, in a separate bowl,  mix Dijon mustard (I did not have Dijon so I did spicy brown mustard with a little syrup added to sweeten it a little) garlic, and rosemary.  When the meat is browned on all sides put it in a roasting pan and coat it with the mustard mixture.   Try, Try, and Try Again for Joyful Weight Loss Roast the loin in the oven at 325 for about 30 minutes.  You should check it with a meat thermometer to make sure it is done all the way through.   Try, Try, and Try Again for Joyful Weight Loss Once it is done, let it sit for a few minutes.  Then slice and serve.  Yum!!!! Try, Try, and Try Again for Joyful Weight Loss I'm not sure of the calorie count of a few slices of pork loin.  But I'm pretty sure it is less than the calories in frozen pizza, hamburgers, Chinese food or other takeout which is what finds its way into my diet when I don't cook at home.  
Today is #MakeitHappenMonday so my goals for this week are to keep trying , trying, and trying again by eating more at home, finding some good sides and veggies to have with the pork loin, and making it to the gym 3 more times.  If I stick to these goals I should be on track for my deitbet.  
We are all different, what areas of your life do you find yourself trying, trying, and trying again?  Do you like a pork loin? What do you serve with it?  What are your goals for #MakeitHappenMonday

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