Self Expression Magazine

…try Your Luck

Posted on the 13 April 2018 by Zer @the2women

…try your luckToday, the world is once again facing its fears as we make our way through another Friday the 13th.

I am not a superstitious person, but I also don’t like to push my luck, so I’ll admit to a healthy respect for some superstitions. In the case of Friday the 13th, it’s more of a fascination, not so much in the day itself, but in the tradition of it.

And yes, at the end of the day (even when that day is Friday the 13th), superstitions are traditions…

…try your luck

And just like the range of enthusiasm for every other modern tradition out there, there’s definitely a spectrum of fear around this day ranging from the completely indifferent…

…try your luck

…to those who suffer from paraskavedekatriaphobia (which includes anyone who tries to pronounce that word).

…try your luck

And I can’t help but marvel and what it says about the power of the human imagination…

…try your luck

I’m not saying that fear of a day of the week is silly…

…try your luck

I’m saying that it could have just as easily been Friday the 7th or Tuesday the 3rd. In fact, in Spain and Greece, Tuesday the 13th is considered unlucky and in it’s Italy Friday the 17th. So, I think the real fear we’re facing down here is prime numbers…

…try your luck

However, you choose to celebrate the day, whether it’s cowering in fear…

…try your luck

…or completely forgetting it’s even a thing,

…try your luck

I hope you take a moment to appreciate the tradition of it all…

…try your luck

…bi-daily smile…


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