Self Expression Magazine

TTT – Also Known as the Post That Broke the Drought.

Posted on the 27 May 2014 by Mummyflyingsolo @mummyflyingsolo

ten thoughts mfs

Dear World

It has been more than 2 months since my last confession, are you still be there to hear my bitching and moaning? 

As far as friends go I look like a pretty slack one at the moment. I’m a slack one with nice hair but a slack one nonetheless. We could dilly dally around why but it’s not important. Things happened, I didn’t write, things happened some more, I still didn’t write, and still more things happened and here I am. Whaddaya know?

I thought it might be easier to do the update bullet point style so waited for a 10 Thoughts Tuesday OPP especially. Here we go.

1. I’m starting a new business!! I think I mentioned this before I disappeared from the face of the earth two + months ago. Well this is a different business than that one we spoke about (the 3rd incantation actually – who says you get your best ideas first?) and I’m excited. More to come on this. Right now my graphic designer is working on a logo and then we’ll get the moving a little bit more. Could be selling my first stuff in less than a month though. WOW!

I am really excited about the brands I will be selling. LOVE the shit out of it all. Here is a sneak preview:

itzy ritzy luggageactivity-schoollibrary-tote-imperfect-dots-main-398-398

Anybody say cutesypants?

2. I have been so inspired by the May Health and Fitness Challenges I’ve been reading in blog land. That was what prompted me to want to blog again initially but then I kept not getting the time and now May is almost gone HOWEVER until I got sick last week I was right there with you all. I was exercising 6 days per week and eating really well. I bought an uber cool calorie counting watch that I’m dying to use so watch this space. You will hear more about that watch thingy once I get moving again.

3. Speaking of exercise I am running like a champion these days. I’ve been training to do 10kms for the last couple of months now and it is going splendidly. My best achievement yet is 9.2kms in about 56 mins. Can’t wait to get back into it again soon. I’m missing my runs! I’ve come such a long way from that girl who started off by doing Couch 2 5k in June last year. I remember back then I thought I’d never run 5km without dying. It is truly amazing what we can do when we try.

4. Mr Monkey is now a whopping 2 years and 8 months old. He is every inch the almost 3 year old, in attitude as well as all those more pleasant milestones. His current favorite phrases are: “Shut up” and “I missed you, Mummy”. Clearly I adore one more than the other.

5. We’ve toilet trained! I can’t believe how relatively painless it was. Don’t get me wrong, we had plenty of number 2s in undies which I hated with a passion but it didn’t last too long. Daycare were an amazing help as was Monkey having a number of friends already on the path. I always said I wouldn’t train until he asked and he asked so that’s when we did it. I was harrassed by all the oldies in my life for ages about how long it was taking me to get around to the training. If this is you DON’T GIVE IN and resist the urge to tell them to get fucked (I may have missed that boat so this is really some “been there, done that” advice).

6. I was shocked to discover today that one of my favorite bloggers, Miss Fanny P, and her family were burgled recently. One of her sons woke to a strange man in the room. How terrifying. They lost a lot of stuff and due to a goddamn paperwork error they were not insured. I’m sure they are feeling a range of emotions at the moment and fucked off is probably one of them. If you follow Fanny and wanted to know what was going on now you know. There is a fundraising page for the family here.

7. The best thing about today? I wanted chocolate and my bestie down the road had a bunch and sent some home with me after daycare pickup. What a legend!

8. Even though I’m not around as frequently, I am still around and have been reading y’all blog posts from time to time.

9. I don’t know why I just used y’all like I’m from the deep south. I’ve been watching too much Nashville (how good is that show?!?!?).

10. I have no idea what shape this blog will take from here or even how long it will take me to post again. I will be blogging for my business as well so that will take up some of my blogging time.  All I can say is stay tuned, and if you don’t abandon me I won’t abandon you. If I’m going to leave permanently, I WILL say goodbye.

Catch you on the flip side cool kids.

mfs brand

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