Self Expression Magazine

…Tune Out

Posted on the 27 July 2017 by Zer @the2women

…Tune Out

Scrambled Television Screen ca. 2000

" data-orig-size="353,480" sizes="(max-width: 266px) 100vw, 266px" data-image-title="Scrambled Television Screen" data-orig-file=";=362" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"\u00a9 Trinette Reed\/CORBIS","camera":"","caption":"Scrambled Television Screen ca. 2000","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"\u00a9 Corbis. All Rights Reserved.","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"Scrambled Television Screen"}" width="266" data-medium-file=";=362?w=221" data-permalink="" alt="" height="362" srcset=";=362 266w,;=150 110w,;=300 221w, 353w" class="alignright wp-image-6345" data-large-file=";=362?w=353" />Remember when the summer use to be a slow time for news and politics. Congress would go on vacation, and the news cycle would cover…I’m not going to lie, I’m having some trouble remembering what life was like before about six months ago.

Between the Twitter decrees and the inappropriate Jamboree campaign speeches, it’s all gotten a bit overwhelming. Yes, I do realize both those things have only just happened in the last few days, but this kind of head-scratching chaos has become the new normal. And frankly, it shouldn’t be.

However, amidst all the noise, it’s important to remember that for most of us life will go on. Yes, there are currently some, to use our President’s word, “disruptions” that are incredibly distracting. They can make you lose sight of the big picture, but I promise it’s going to be okay.

So, this What to Watch Wednesday, I thought I’d take a look back at a few shows that aired before the current chaos. Partly to provide a necessary distraction, but also as a reminder that the world keeps turning and changing. Right now it may feel like we’re moving backwards, but I assure you the majority of us are moving forward.First up, a caffeine kick, courtesy of “Gilmore Girls,” to get you going.

Next up, a bit of a look back and forward with this pre-election promo clip for the reboot of “Will & Grace.”

Finally, a reminder that sometimes the Internet is a wonderful place. Enjoy this Sesame Street video featuring military families (and your favorite furry monsters) singing about staying strong, showing persistence, and remembering what you believe in.


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