So I missed Motivational Monday because it was 100 degrees. In my house. For two days. This occurs like clockwork every other year when I least expect it. Naturally it occurs on a weekend. When rates are a gazillion times higher, so we waited it out. I’m probably a pound of sweat lighter, but that’s okay. I was more worried about my dogs because the first night I sent my kids to my parents. As it so happens, last night was the “Night before school” and I had this totally cool post I was going to do, but it didn’t happen.
This just in, today was record high for this date. I repeat. Record heat. Felt like 103 degrees. In the south. In the humidity. I almost threw up. But I mean, hey. I made it. On top of this, I opened my e-mail and read about a family that needs things for their sparsely furnished apartment and realized, well crap. It could be worse. Then I watched the video a friend posted…in memory of her husband. And cried and cried. And cried some more. I just realized that my problems were not that bad. They might seem bad to me, and in comparison to other people’s problems, maybe mine are worse. I don’t know. But when I read about situations like what some of my friends are going through, I think to myself, put on your BIG GIRL panties and carry on.
Life is a beautiful adventure and I get to go where I am needed. I called my husband and continued to try to get words out of my mouth around ridiculous tears about this family I don’t know needing THINGS like furniture and what could I do and then about this situation where I wanted to help ease someone’s pain, but I didn’t know how and he listened to me babble until I was done. Which didn’t end until I mentioned I was sad about both girls being in middle school. I don’t even know what I am sad about at this point. It was just everything. I remember every sad thing at moments like this and they make me even more sad.
By the way, if I had gotten a good night’s sleep for two nights, I might not have been such a mess. Who am I kidding, I probably would have been anyway. So to end this reflection, what I have to say to you, is enjoy doing the things you love with those you love. Help those in need. Reach out. And never be afraid to take a moment just to be sad…as long as you remember sad has its limits. It’s time to be done with sad. For now I am grateful. I am grateful that I have a house with things in it, two girls who can go to school, and air conditioning….that occasionally needs freon. I am profoundly grateful for my family and my husband’s support each and every day.
So it really is Terrific Tuesday after all.