Self Expression Magazine

Unconditional Love (NaBloPoMo Day 2)

Posted on the 02 September 2015 by Amitagulia
Tonight, my son said something which made me smile and would keep on doing so forever.
I asked him if he would love mommy the same way always?
I almost had tears in my eyes she he said - "No".
I asked No?
He said, "No, I would do it more than this. I would love you bigger than the mountain.".
Saying so, he kissed me and his kiss unintentionally landed on my forehead. 

Unconditional Love (NaBloPoMo Day 2)

From the times when he used to eat my face... ;)

I so wish that he keep his words when he grow up. Being a daughter myself, I know that kids change. Not that we stop loving our parents, it's just that we no more express our love so openly.
Tonight was undoubtedly one of the most memorable nights of my life. I never ever thought that I would have such a wonderful love story with someone. I am so thankful to My kiddo for making my moments special even without his knowledge.
Unconditional love is possible only when the lover is a child! 

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