Can you feel the tension in the air? Not the good, anticipatory, excitement kind, but like the bad, stressed out, need-to-take-a-couple-hundred-deep-breaths kind.
Lucky for us all, there's a day for that (because when isn't there?). Happy National Relaxation Day!
It's the perfect day to inhale then exhale and repeat, and just chill out, even if only for a moment.
Seeing as it also happens to be What to Watch Wednesday, I thought I'd share one of my favorite summer shows, "Trial & Error," to aid in the zen...

Few things are more calming than a good a laugh, and there are few things funnier than the second season of this wacky, wonderful show (aka "Trial & Error: Lady, Killer").
And after spending season one defending Broadway star John Lithgow, season two focuses on Broadway star Kristin Chenoweth, naturally.

If you haven't fallen in love with the people of East Peck (affectionately known as Peckers, of course) after one episode, then keep watching, it will grow on you, I promise.

This mockumentary of a big city lawyer working in a small town is just the laugh you need.

...bi-daily smile...
And did I mention they made an actual podcast of the fake podcast from the show?