Self Expression Magazine

…Use the Fourth

Posted on the 04 May 2015 by Zer @the2women

Star WarsHappy Star Wars Day!

If you don’t know why it’s Star Wars Day, then sorry and/or congratulations, you’re not a super nerd.

If you’re not already celebrating this obscure holiday, then you’ve been missing out on quite possibly the best Star Wars Day ever. 

Today has seen the release of some amazing teaser photos by Annie Leibovitz , which includes the first peek at the new film’s villain, Kylo Ren (played by Adam Driver), without his mask.

Also, believe it or not, there are Star Wars Day deals. Yes, that’s right. Amazon even has its own Star Wars Day Store.

With this kind of attention, we’re basically halfway to making this an official bank holiday (it’s a dream). Although that may take some serious nerd power to pull off. For now, enjoy the rest of your Star Wars Day, and…May the Fourth be with you!

More on the Story: TIME

…just for fun:

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