I have mentioned before that too much emphasis is placed on romantic love at Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day is for all of us. So feel free to show yourself a little love. Feel free to show you family a little love. Maybe even show your pets a little love, whatever will bring you a little Joy.
With that being said I have a Valentine's Day gift for all of you. Here are your very own Love Joy Printable Bookmarks. I've mixed pale pink with my signature green shade for these bookmarks. Red is too romantic I mean I love you all, but not like that. Ewe, LOL!!! The bookmarks feature quotes from Linda Wall, Maya Angelou, Plato, Shakespeare, and James Wilcox.
You just cut them apart along the dotted lines.
It's easy enough for me to do it!
Did you print them out? If so please sent me a picture of your Love Bookmarks in action email me at [email protected], tweet me your picture @Chasing_Joy, or post it to the Chasing Joy FB page.
Have a great Valentine's Day!!!
PS. You can still download the Joy Bookmarks I created a while ago here.