Diaries Magazine

Views from Oslo

Posted on the 06 February 2012 by Halinak @HalinaKema
Views from Oslo
Views from OsloViews from Oslo
Views from Oslo
When I think back on my four years living in Oslo I realize that I felt pretty much the same way as I do about living in Bergen. The problem wasn't that I didn't like it there - I had a handful of close friends (or less) and it was all I needed. But I also had a feeling of restlessness hanging over me, the same feeling I have about Bergen these days. There is this feeling that, no matter how hard I try, Oslo is never going to feel like home for me.
I long for a fresh start - someplace where I can break with all existing stereotypes of what is considered to be successful or not. It's not a new feeling. I have realized that I may just have a restless nature, making me unwilling to settle anywhere. How are you with these things? Do you feel settled where you are? Or are you  like me - longing for something else?
All pictures taken with my Canon EOS 3000.

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