Self Expression Magazine


Posted on the 25 April 2017 by Zer @the2women

…WaddleHappy World Penguin Day! On a day dedicated to these permanently tuxedoed (but always grounded) birds, I can’t help but wonder, what is it that makes penguins so darn popular?

These waddling wonders have long had a special place in the heart of many an animal loving human. From starring in many an animated film to causing trouble for Mr. Popper, these beloved birds have a long history of capturing our hearts.

So what is it about them that we humans just can’t seem to get enough of?

Perhaps it’s their flawless style? After all, with their black and white coloring, they’re always dressed to impress.

Disney gif disney cute party GIF

Or perhaps, it’s their natural grace.

 dance party penguin GIF

If I’m being completely honest, it’s partially because the babies are just so stinking cute…and fluffy.

 movie film cute dance baby GIF

But when all is said and done, I think the reason they’ve held their spot is that sometimes they remind us of ourselves.

 animated animals walking penguin wildlife GIF

Whatever the reason, our fascination with these stylish, flightless birds doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.

More on the Story: The Guardian

…just for fun:


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