It's been a while since I have taken part in Brooke's (Bright Wishes) 'Wednesday Wishes', partly because I haven't felt like wishing on anything and have been going through a few rough patches where I didn't want to think 'what if' or even dare to dream.
Now that the frost is disappearing and the spring is letting herself (himself?) be known in Scotland...my mood is on the up. So, here are my Wednesday wishes:
1. a 35mm lens.

Owning a DSLR is quite ridiculous. I've bought two of my dream lenses already, yet I am pining for this 35mm. I want to practice more on my 50mm and then think about upgrading. At the cost of a 35mm, that could be a long way off...unless I use super puppy dog eyes.
2. A maid.
I spent most of the end of the Christmas holidays organising, scrubbing, cleaning and sorting out mess. Then I got sick again. It all went back to it's horrible, unorganized, smelly and messy state. I have a terrible immune system and live with a toddler. Husband doesn't get it. I need a maid. Not just want or wish but actually need. On top of this I am trying to raise a child and do things for work. I could do with a little (a lot) of help.3. Misc. The list of wishes could stretch on forever more...so I just made this 'wish.' It stands for everything else I wish for; a holiday somewhere away, my driving license - and is a car pushing my luck?What are your wishes?
Follow: @MamaChaser