So, I’m getting pretty used to this whole apology thing and hoping you will all forgive me for being late at blog posts. I started a 52 week project in January whilst I wasn’t at college or working…now I’m back at college and doing 4 shifts of waitressing a week I’m starting to slack, but I hope you can all see why. I think I need to start setting myself a timetable rather than getting in from an 8 hour shift and getting into bed! I’ve got three words for you all today in this blog post and they’re all rather quite random! Hope, irresponsible and madhouse.
So last week I experienced quite a lot of hope. For those that don’t know, I went to a university interview at Westminster last Wednesday for the journalism course. I’ve been on and off with the idea of university, unsure whether I want to go or not and if I do what course I want to do. I’m rubbish at making decisions and it’s even harder when people are telling me all different things. I think university is such a big step if you are not 100% happy with your course choice. Going to the interview did help me realize what the course is about and I started to second think if I’d applied to for the right subject. I’m still waiting to hear if I got accepted or not so I’m going to worry about my decision when I hear from them. As you can imagine, I came out of the interview pretty confused and it was all that was on my mind. I didn’t want to waste my day in London so I went to Oxford street to have a little walk around. I’m quite an emotional soul and as I was passing one of the shops I saw a man crying on the street holding a sign saying ‘I’m very hungry’. Now before you say it, I realize that a lot of these people have homes and use the money for drugs etc, however I couldn’t walk away without knowing I had at least tried to help. I went to Costa to buy him a sandwich and a coffee, went back and he had gone. I felt like I had failed him, it was such an awful feeling. The way some people have to live in this world is just sickening and if more people chipped in together perhaps we could start to make a difference.
Moving on to irresponsible, I don’t feel that I do many things that perhaps don’t benefit me and are bad choices, however I do think I am a little silly with money. I’m awful at saving and spend what little money I do have on unnecessary things like coffee and food. Now, on a bad day, a hazelnut latte is definitely not unnecessary, but I am giving myself the task to try to save money. As a waitress I get a few tips which I am now saving in a pot. If I’m broke at the time I add it all up and make sure that it goes in on pay-day. It really does all add up and I’m hoping that by the end of the year I will have made a start with a savings account as well.
And last but not least, we’ve all heard about the madhouse that I live in. With three women and no men, the Hann household can get a little crazy. We all love to play little pranks on each other and joke around, and I’m usually the one that gets the best photos of our random times. So, here’s a few that you can all enjoy, and I’m sure I’ll get it in the neck later!!

This..well, need I say anything? This was just a random day sorting out a few boxes.

This pretty lady learnt how to take photos on my iPhone while it’s locked….this one’s a beautiful one!

Me and Mum wouldn’t listen to Abs once so she tried to make a point by getting in the washing basket…and then getting stuck.

Abbey’s got great fashion sense :/

Mumma Hann likes to play dress up

We all like to write silly notes…
You can see how we all like to have a laugh…but don’t be deceived, we can bite if necessary.