The weekend is almost over...not that I really give a dayum. I spent most of it, sitting around watching the paint on my walls fade.Of course I did spend a bit of it outside....big mistake! My wife and I frequently sit on our little deck, and lately we've been tormented by wasps/yellow jackets. Well, she made the mistake of killing one, and of course in doing so, 100 or more attended that ones funeral. The air was yellow with the little bastidos..... I did manage to haul the cover off my BBQ, did some of my soya glazed it! Then, once again so did the wasps. Couldn't get a break from them at all. I have sprayed every place I possibly can, I have used a foam insulation on all the areas I've seen them come out of, and still they are every where. Now it wasn't bad enough to have the wasps every where, my yard has been frequently visited by SKUNKS! Now this is in the middle of a city! We have skunks every where in the city...oh, I mean the ones from the animal kingdom if you were wondering! We were sitting out on Saturday night, around our fire pit, when I saw 4 wondering around our back yard. Later that evening, my wife had been sitting on the deck, when she saw what she thought was a black and white kitten, down at the bottom of the stairs (did I mention there was a little drinking involved this weekend?) So, she went to investigate. Luckily for her, I happened out the door at the time, because if she had gotten sprayed, she would have been camping in the back yard all by herself! Even without spraying anything, the skunks emit an odor that is very unpleasant. Actually this can be a good thing, because it lets you know of their presence, even if you don't see them right away!
My apologies for the poor quality of this photo, but I wasn't taking any chances! Besides, I have a nick name, I don't want a new one like...Stinky! My son,Colin, lives close to us, and this was his weekend to have his son/our grandson Aiden. So when Aiden is at his dads, Colin always brings him for a visit. Most weekends when Colin has him, he gets to spend a night with us, but this weekend he didn't. He has been here for two visits, both for breakfast, because his Nan (my wife) makes the best scrambled eggs ever...... I actually taught her the recipe, after dropping the eggs one day! I have also taught her the recipe for ice cubes as well, that one took awhile to sink in...please don't remind her of this, if you get to talking to her.... just sayin.... So he got to enjoy scrambled eggs, and I got to sit through an hour of mindless childrens cartoons while he ate. Whatever happened to those great old cartoons we had as kids? You know, Bugs Bunny, the original Pink Panther, Woody Woodpecker? Have you seen the crap the kids have for cartoons now? I won't even mention their names...because they don't deserve mentioning!Anyway, Aiden has finished his breakfast, and is now outside playing in the remnants of my vegetable garden with some of his trucks. Which gave me the time to write this...aren't you all lucky!
Aiden in the pool this summer.......So today is Sunday, and we are having a big family dinner..... wish me luck! Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!