Diaries Magazine
I would have to think that all of us draw the line in different places when it comes to material that offends us in some way. It isn't a thing that has any unit of measure, just something that is built into us from our own individual experiences.What offends you, may not offend me, in fact, I may find the material humourous. I may find it stupid, or I may find it something of value. We all depend on our sensibilities, our morals, our upbringing, and of course the one that has caused more deaths and wars above all else, our religious beliefs. (I don't have any)I threw together a brief post the other day, and I tagged it as "interesting". Maybe I should have tagged it as "humor", not that it would have made any difference, but after posting it, I decided to share it with a group on FaceBook. I hadn't but posted it for 5 minutes when I received a notification from an individual in that group, who told me my title was vulgar.Now I'm the type of person that can be very reasonable, or I can be a royal pain in your ass if you strike me the wrong way. If I become a pain in your ass, you will know it, and more than likely decide to avoid me.Since I was feeling in a good mood, I decided to take the high road, and not press the issue too much.The thing that really bothered me about the whole thing, is I've seen a lot worse posted, with many expletives, which by the way, my post didn't have, (for a change).The idea for the material came from an article I had read earlier. The same words to describe what I was writing about, were in that article.I wasn't offended and actually chuckled at some of it. It was actually about a serious issue, which I am offended by, and so are many others. So I thought it would be great material for a blog post and get the message out there at the same time.I really hate when some people try to censor you for something that should be heard. I'm not talking about standing on a soapbox and shouting gibberish, I'm talking about issues that affect people every day in a bad way.I was actually offended when I asked the person who wrote the comment what they found vulgar about my title, and their dumbass comment was, if you don't know, I can't explain it to you... which to me means, they just had a stick up their ass at the time and wanted something to bitch about.Anyway, we all have degrees of what we find vulgar, and what offends us. I guess some things don't affect me as much as some others... what makes you draw the line, and why? BB84CBJNBGNM