So I’m doing it. I’m getting on board with these health and fitness declarations again and mine is this:on August 10 I’m going to run the 14km City to Surf event in Sydney. Despite the fact that I am yet to even run 10km without stopping I am going to do this and I’m going to do it real good.

See. Hardly anyone runs the dam thing.
One of my beautiful friends has put her hand up to run too without any coercion from me whatsoever (yeah she’s pretty awesome) so it’s on like donkey kong and I’m excited.
I think what has been lacking from my running training of late is some event motivation. Now that I have it I am so psyched. I imagined the whole of my run today that I was on the event course, running past all these awesome parts of Sydney that I adore. I seriously cannot wait. I also decided that I am going to make the perfect City to Surf playlist. I’m going to set it up based on my running times so at certain distances (like at the 7km mark when I’m running up heartbreak hill) the most appropriate song comes on to keep me going. I’m all over it.
If you have the best ever most favorite track to pound it out to then you must leave a message and let me know. I tried a youtube running mix today and it surprised me how much enjoyed some of the pop songs for running (I’m usually too cool to admit that) so seriously, no suggestion is too silly. Eye of the Tiger will be making it on there for example. Today it got me totally psyched.
So, for training I’ve basically started doing a half marathon training program – I’ll just do the first 5 weeks of the 12 week program. That ought to get me race fit. If any of my bloggy runner friends have tips then I’m all about them. Chuck them my way!
Better not be any fecking magpies on the course. It will be THAT time of year again. Better wear a hat.
To wrap up…declarations as follows:
July: run 5dpw in training for C2S
August: Do C2S. Finish it. Run all of the way.
If you have an awezome running tune for me, a training tip or just want to give me a wee bit of encouragement then leave a comment below. Thanks. You guys rock.
PS Wrote this on my tablet as my laptop charger has shit itself (just to make my life easier) so if anything seems weirdly spaced or placed then that’s why.