Have you heard of the alarm clock test?
Have you tried the alarm clock test?
If you pass this test, your life is guaranteed to be wonderful.
I came across this concept here.
It teaches a wonderful life lesson we could all practice.
How does it work?You can take the alarm clock test year-long (preferably) and while that sounds longish, the test itself only takes two seconds.
Here's how you take the alarm clock test.Every night, when you got to bed and set your alarm for the next morning, ask yourself this one question:
"Am I glad I did, or do I wish I had?"Let's say during that day you accomplished tasks that took you closer to your life goals.
Say, "I'm glad I did."
Did you stretch out of your comfort zone and do something new today? Great.
Say, "I'm glad I did."
Did you overcome something you were struggling with and moved closer to resolving it? Yes?
Say, "I'm glad I did."
Did you give your all to whatever you were focused on today? Wow!
Say, "I am glad I did!"
You get the idea!
If, every night, you consistently say "I am glad I did" and not "I wish I had" you've passed the test. For those days.
If you do it consistently for a year, you know you're awesome and are capable of all the things you did throughout the year.
Isn't that great?
The more you're glad you did something rather than wishing you had, the better your life will be.
That's it.
Ask yourself if you will be glad you did or wish you had.
Go and be awesome.You know you are.
#WednesdayWisdom is a series with short bursts of easy-to-consume wisdom in the form of stories, quotes, anecdotes, and humor.