You can't tell from this picture, but I am actually
doing a little victory dance!
I can't believe the first year is done and dusted. It has gone by super quick mostly through bleary sleep filled eyes and a blaze of firsts.
First smiles, first laughs, first rolls, first rolls off of the sofa, and for me the first time feeling a kind of love that fills me from the tips of my toes to the ends of the Universe. It is so weird, the kind of love you feel for your children differs so entirely from the love that you feel for anyone else. It is amazing!
This year has been seriously crazy, amazing, scary and filled with many delightful surprises and some not so delightful (I mean really who knew babies pooed so much..? They don't tell you that in the handbook).
Some highlights:
- Hearing River and Indigo cry for the first time
- Holding them and seeing their faces for the first time
- Their first smile
- The first night they slept all the way through the night
- Anytime they laugh (I love that)
- River's constant monster noises
- Indigo's singing (she sings all the time, it is lovely)
- Baby hugs
- Their faces when they see me
- When Indigo first learned how to clap
- When River learned how to blow raspberries for the first time
- and well pretty much every time they learn something new or we spend time together
- Their birth. It was difficult, scary and well really not the best. If it hadn't been for Rob calming me down and staying by me I don't know what I would have done.
- The whole time me and the babies were in hospital. Being stuck inside for ages amongst some 'interesting' characters whilst I had a raging infection and two babies that refused to feed was horrendous. I really hope I never have to go through that again.
- Problems after my c-section and my health...still not fully sorted a year on. ...hmmmm
- The first time River fell off the sofa. I nearly had a heart attack and though he was fine I have never felt more awful.
Birthday fun...
Indigo and River looking cute in their brand new birthday pajamas
For those of you that know me, you know I like to wring every inch of birthdayness out of my birthday, which for those of you that don't know me means: I celebrate all week long. Yes every year I indulge and have a birthday week (and why not?) should see what I am like at Christmas!
Well, I am of the belief that everyone should do this - so of course this was put into action with River and Indigo's big 1st birthday (and it will be in action every year hopefully for the rest of their lives, if they choose to carry on the tradition).

I won't go into everything that we got up to, but basically a lot of fun was had. On their actual birthday we went to Tropical World in Leeds and enjoyed being surrounded by butterflies, watching the Meerkats and the various birds. There was a sign that said that there were some animals at "liberty" and though most were tame, some might bite. I have a feeling they were talking about the Turtles as I swear I saw one that looked particularly shady.
River and Indigo celebrated with a face-full and a few mouthfuls of of chocolate birthday muffin and I can confirm that the wrapping paper was a real hit.
Honestly though, I can't believe they have gone from this:

To this!
I am looking forward to what this next year will bring us. Whatever happens, I am sure it will be an adventure.