Self Expression Magazine

Wordless/Wordful Wednesday: The Joy of Acknowledgement

Posted on the 24 July 2013 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
A great thing happened yesterday.  I'm sure you saw my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts about it.  A friend messaged me on FB saying that I was mentioned in our Alumni Magazine for my blog.   I'd posted a link to my blog on the alumni website some time ago and forgot about it.  This is a huge honor for the Alumni magazine to give me a mention.
In case you did not know I went to Temple University.  That's right I am #TempleMade!!!  I loved it.  I wear my TU ring proudly every day.  I met some of my closest friends in college.  As a matter of fact I met the two girls who inspired me to start this blog at Temple.  I guess this is one of those moments where things come full circle.
The mention says "Arlett R. Hartie, Cla'02 publishes the blog Chasing Joy, which encourages readers to pursue personal happiness." That pretty much sums it up.  I hope my blog posts make you think a bit more about how to have more Joy.  My real life events are focused on continuing that conversation in person and building deeper connections with like minded, joy focused bloggers and non-bloggers. If you are local to Philly you should come to an event.
Personal happiness is the thing we forget about until we find ourselves unhappy.  Keep your personal happiness in the forefront of your mind and keep Chasing Joy.
Wordless/Wordful Wednesday: The Joy of Acknowledgement
Today I have Chased and caught a little Joy in being acknowledged by my alamamater.  What type of acknowledgements have given you the most Joy?

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