Self Expression Magazine

…work Like Magic

Posted on the 24 March 2018 by Zer @the2women

…work like magic

It’s game day, Rambler Nation (or should I say world?), and I think it’s clear that we (that includes you, bandwagon fans) are freaking out (in the best way).

And even though we look like the Gryffindor cheering section, there’s no actual magic here, just a talented team working their butts off, and their fans screaming their heads off…

…work like magic

It turns out being the Cinderella story/fan of the Cinderella story is really hard work.

…work like magic

My nails are history…

…work like magic

I have become the kind of person who spontaneously shouts (cheers of victory) at her ESPN app in public…

…work like magic

The mere thought of today’s game makes my heart rate spike…

…work like magic

And it’s all been absolutely wonderful.

…work like magic

What an incredible ride it has been for this school, this city, and most importantly, Sister Jean.

…work like magic

Here’s to another great game, Ramblers, and #OnwardLU.

…bi-daily smile…

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