I am a Writer's Market subscriber thanks to my very worthwhile purchase of the 2012 Writer's Market book provided by the Writer's Digest staff and associates. With this purchase, you also get access to the iBook-friendly newsletter called Writer's Yearbook 2011. Chock full of great advice, insights, tips, and resources, Jennifer Lawler contributed a piece called "The Other Side of the Desk." As both a writer and agent, Lawler gives the unique perspective of what life is like as an agent, and I have found articles and blogs from agents to be an excellent resource, including Jennifer's blog, Finding Your Voice.
But back to the article. She formats her information by debunking five common misconceptions about the agenting world, which are:
1) The author is more important than the book. (An author is nothing without a good idea!)
2) Good enough is usually good enough. (Nope. Aim for perfection)
3) It's my book--you can't make me change it. (If you want represented and books sold, you will listen to advice and critiques!)
4) It's a cold, cruel world of publishing. (Eeeerrr! Agents, and editors, do have souls)
5) "They" keep a black book of screw-ups, and I'm probably on it. (Wait, so I'm NOT public enemy #1?!)
She also provides five myths about working with agents once you are signed with one, and these insights are also invaluable. Check out more about Jennifer on her website, jenniferlawler.com for more straightforward, helpful information.