Who inspires me?
Hmm… this is a tricky one for me. Typically, inspiring people have achieved something incredible. Until recently, incredible achievements intimidated me. Instead of getting inspired by stories about people who triumphed over immense difficulties, I would think, “I could never do that.”
As I’ve said time and time again, I’m a work in progress. I’m actively working on not letting other people’s achievements intimidate me. I’m trying to let them inspire me.
JK Rowling followed her heart and passion for writing even when she was as poor as you can possibly be without being homeless, a single mother, and suffering from depression. Her success is testament to the rewards of persistence. She didn’t give up, not even after receiving a veritable pile of rejection letters from literary agents.
Anyone who is making a living from writing is an inspiration. I admire their tenacity. I’m going to keep working on allowing other writer’s success stories to inspire me until I become a full-time, earning writer myself.