Self Expression Magazine

3 Steps Vs. 12 Steps

Posted on the 03 July 2011 by 3stepstorecovery @3StepsToRecvry
3 Steps To Recovery… some of you might have seen the occasional link I’ve posted to my new book, which is called 3 Steps To Recovery. It’s partly a memoir of addiction and partly a guide to help fellow addicts learn how to overcome their own addiction.
So why is it called 3 Steps To Recovery, and not 12 Steps, as outlined in AA’s Big Book? The answer is simple. The book is based on AA’s 12 Steps, but simply focuses on 3 of the 12 Steps that address the heart of addiction and teach others to overcome addiction using 3 simple steps. The same steps that Bill W. and Dr. Bob used to heal their addictions.
While all 12 Steps are wonderful principles to follow, 9 of the 12 steps were written to help recovering addicts AFTER we stop drinking. The 3 Steps discussed in the book are designed to help people stop NOW. Once they’ve learned how to stop, they can later decide whether or not to pursue the remaining 9 steps. Some will, some won’t. But the most important message of AA’s 12 Steps is learning how to beat the addiction before moving on to the next step, and that is the main message of 3 Steps To Recovery.
Of course, struggling alcoholics and addicts could choose to attend AA meetings and find a sponsor for free, rather than buying a book written about the same topic. But joining groups and attending meetings are not everyone’s style. 3 Steps To Recovery was written with those people in mind and brings AA’s message to them. If you can’t take Mohammed to the mountain, bring the mountain to Mohammed, as they say.

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