The start of school and all my fall activities has left me breathless! I'm not sure exactly the next time I'll be able to sleep in on a Saturday-but it may be a few years from now. I'm struggling to find time to thoroughly enjoy my senior year, balance my checking account, actually complete some introspection to ensure that I really do want to do what I think I do (just as confusing as it sounds).....life has picked me up by my shoelaces and started dragging me along.
Anyways, my point is-I had yesterday (Friday) night off, and I didn't request it off! So, basically a miracle. My family went and had a party with my great grandma J last weekend, but because of work I couldn't make it;so I decided yesterday evening would be a great time to go and have supper with her, and I was sooooo right.
We spent almost two hours with her, my great aunt S and all their little friends. My great grandma has early onset dementia/Alzheimers, and my mother was thrilled when she still recognized all of us. (my mom, myself and sister #3 went along-we sure had a party! Everyone wanted to now what we were laughing about).

Originally I had simply wanted to go down to the city to go shopping for some more basics , curling necessities and dance shorts-I was very successful! Even more impressive, unfortunately-was my bill at the end, it was the most I've ever paid for clothes. So, my adoration of Target is now bittersweet, cheaper than the mall-but still my highest bill ever.
What did I buy? you might ask....
- One pair of super fantastic skinny jeans (no rolling up those ankles!)
- 2 V-neck basic T-shirts (Mossimo)
- One flannel patterned cardigan (guy tonight said he had the same one! haha)
- 2 Pairs of booty shorts for dance, one blue patterned and plain black
- one pair of "yoga" pants that I wear for curling
- one basic black beanie, necessity!

I actually wore the new cardigan, skinny jeans and beanie tonight along with my basic black Tee from my "Chicago Haul" post (Click here to read full post)
Turned out to be a little awkward, because my friends and I went to Target (exact same one) tonight (Saturday evening) and the same dressing room guy (with fabulous hair) was there, although he definitely helped to ease the awkward feelings by saying he liked my cardigan (smirk) and that he had the same one! ah-ha.I do love the cardigan, as it was freezing at Olive Garden, and I was very warm-also the beanie is insulated, but not thick-so it doesn't poof up weird on my head, also a plus.

I'm also very excited for these extra basics-it seems every time I go skinny jean shopping I like the new pair so well I stop wearing my other pairs (currently I've only got 4, and I only love 2...see the problem?) Target helped a little. I would like to mention that I did end up paying full price for everything, but that generally-as a rule- I shop clearance racks, and clearance racks only!

Now for the most important PSA: I sweat.
None of that "glisten/sparkle" girly crap-I sweat, and I sweat badly.I've basically given up on coffee unless I'm wearing black because my, excuse me for a second, pits get sweaty the second I get a whiff of caffeine. This is something I try to keep in mind when I buy clothes-and especially on the type of fabric, and how it looks when it gets wet. I try to brighten up my wardrobe with deep jewel tones that I look good in, but also have little to no color change when wet-because the fact of the matter is, I sweat no matter what (i.e., cold, humid, dead, sleeping, caffeine, no caffeine-I sweat). I'm a little cautious about the green shirt, but with the gray undertones I may be able to skirt by. I've also been keeping track of which days I have marching band this week-and I tend to wear either black or dark hues on those days because I sweat even more when I play. I've also experimented with different deodorants and I've found that:
- Degree spray on/dry air anti-antiperspirants work AMAZING
- gels/liquids cause mt to sweat instantly/never dry
- solids are okay-leave stains