(source guardian.co.uk)
Following the leader, here are my goals for the month to come;
1. Prepare for the Geneva marathon
Which takes place on the 6th May, I'm way behind in training due to illness, work, etc. So now's the time to get it done.
2.Organise our weekend in London
We're off on Friday, and as well as visiting family I want the kids to see some important stuff they've never seen before, any suggestions?? I also get to sort out what to do with my best friend on "our girls go wild in Paris weekend - 40th birthday edition" for the week after. Again, any suggestions welcome.
3. Read two books
Any books - you know I'm open to suggestions don't you? I'm way behind on the 100 books in a year challenge I'm doing, in my defense I only joined in March, but being late is no excuse is it?
4. Write more
Like running, it's the proverbial mean and nasty circle, being tired and run down means I do less, which makes me feel tired and run down, once I've got started I see it out until the end, and feel much better for it afterwards.
5. Use the holidays as a trampoline to bounce back to work afterwards
Experience has taught me that motivational ups and downs are par for the course, I know after two weeks off (starting now, woop woop!) I will feel much more motivated, after having got over the draining "exams-marking-reports" end of term. I'll need it, next term will be pretty busy and I owe it to my pupils to deliver some fun stuff and help them through what will be a difficult period.