Creativity Magazine

A Cup of Coffee

Posted on the 17 November 2013 by Fizz @ThePoetsAlley
A Cup of CoffeeI sip my coffee
sitting in the far corner
of the old coffee house
while outside,
a few pigeons flutter,
on the busy side-walk

As I twirl my cappuccino a bit,

with the shining silver spoon,
I hear the old man sitting on the next table,
chuckle out loud,
reading the day's newspaper
As I sip my hot cuppa
more indulgently with a smile,
I see a young couple hug each other,
and then the young girl dash into a waiting car

As I sip my coffee with a joie de vivre,

I over-hear a musical band,
practice a tune to perfection,
while outside,
a few flutter,
on the busy side-walk.

~ A Poem By Avijeet Das

(Our Guest Poet of the Day)
Avijeet Das, © 2013

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