Diaries Magazine

A Leap Year WIAW

Posted on the 29 February 2012 by Mattie @comfyconfident

This week is jammed back! Monday I had my grandmothers 80th birthday dinner in Boston. Tuesday night I had a soccer game. Tonight I have a yoga date with a girl friend. Thursday I have dinner with another friend and Friday I head back up to Vermont for the weekend. All while trying to prepare to for a business trip I am going on next week. I am actually pretty excited about it. I am going out to California for the Natural Products Expo West tradeshow. It is a giant show for retailers looking for new natural products to bring into their stores. Companies like Clif Bar, Bob’s Mills, Chobani will all be there, as well as smaller companies hoping to get their foot in the door. I will absolutely be documenting my days out there and making sure I get some good samples to share and review!

A Leap Year WIAW

It is always stressful getting ready for a big trip, but it will be really nice to get out of dreary old New Hampshire and into sunny Cali.

A Leap Year WIAW

Now on to the more important stuff. It is WIAW!

Thank you Jenn for organizing. I always look forward to WIAW.

A Leap Year WIAW

Without further ado, here we go….
I woke up and did yoga at 3 Bridges and it was perfect. My hips and butt have been sore, I am not sure if it is from working out or sitting, either way, yoga helped to stretch them out.

Breakfast was at my desk, while catching up on emails and blogging (I never do that at work).  


I had a mid-morning meeting right by Target so I stopped in on my way back to the office to get some snacks. I did not really know what I was looking for, so I just aimlessly walked around for a while. But, I ended up getting some trail mix which I never do, because I have no will power and I end up eating the whole bag in one sitting. Clearly demonstrated by eating this handful driving home. IMG_2396

However, I was thinking ahead, and purchased snack size sandwich bags so I could portion out a serving and not overdo it.

IMG_2400A serving was 1/4 of a cup and there were supposed to be 14 servings in the bag. 

Well, I portioned out each bag with a measuring cup and only came up with 9 bags, including my handful. What the heck! Why is the nutritional information not correct?  Am I eating more than I think, or am I getting less than I am supposed to?  I don’t know the answer, but it really irritated me at the time.

I snacked a lot today! My new favorite protein bar is the Peanut Honey Pretzel Luna bar. I ate some candied cashews, chocolate covered cherries and dried pineapples provided to me from my Foodie PenPal. Red Velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting were passed around the office and I couldn’t say no!

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Dinner was Tilapia fish with rice and broccoli.


I am eating up my animal proteins! Come March 1st, I will be vegan for 30 days! Yikes. Exciting, but scary.

Do you have any tips on eating Vegan? Good recipes?
Have you ever experienced the back of a food label not being accurate? Do you think they are misleading?

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