Self Expression Magazine

A Letter to My Poor, Poor Tube of Toothpaste…

Posted on the 01 July 2015 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

letter to toothpaste

Dear sad, sad toothpaste,

Hi. It’s me. The grown up woman you see come into the bathroom everyday. The one who sees you and shakes her head in shame.

I’m writing to say how sorry I am for all you go through. For your struggles and hardships. I see how day in and day out you try to give all you can to my family. You let them push on places you aren’t ready to be pushed. And still, you bring out all you are made of each and every time.

I try to make you a priority when I look around at things to clean. To hold you gently and wipe the blobs off your chin. Or clean up your top so you can close and have your privacy.

But some days it’s just too much.

Some days there is just more toothpaste than even I can handle.

I’ve tried to get you out of this unhealthy relationship. I tried to talk to the little people who leave you open and exposed without even a care. But they don’t seem to care. They don’t seem to realize that their actions have consequences. That one day you might have to leave. To go to that trash can in the sky for being… oh I can hardly say it… dried out.

I’m sorry, I know those are painful words to hear.

Please accept my heartfelt apologies for all you have gone through. I can only promise you this – someday those little humans will go to college and the bathroom will go back to a happy, peaceful, clean place to reside again. Until then, please know that I’m thinking of you every time I see your innards stuck to the sink. I offer my greatest sorrows for your loss.


The mother of those toothpaste-challenged children

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