Creativity Magazine

A Place in My Mind

Posted on the 29 March 2013 by Brinda @BrindaKrish
In my mind is a place,
Where lives only you and I.
It's a place where earth meets the sky,
and dreams and reality softly collide.
It has a lovely clearing at the end of the path,
where seasons whisper as they purposefully pass.
And the shooting star occasionally pause their fall
with an ageless tree, laden with unnameable fruit standing tall. 
A place in my mind
It's a place where dusk melts into night,
igniting memories for warmth and light.
We can camp beside their fire,
And there, below the dazzling moon, we shall chat.
We'll share our stories, some unheard, a few unsaid,
One night we will tell them, on other, we can become them.
Maybe we will loose ourselves, perhaps find ourselves in them.
After all, it is a place in my mind
This place in my mind
Where resides only you and I
It knows no shades of grey
Every thing bright, colored and open under this vast sky. 

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