Creativity Magazine

A Plea to Winter…

Posted on the 31 December 2013 by Heartbaredtoyou121 @naughtytushki

That chilly winter breeze
With every moment that swell
As a forest fire rampaging
Through and through
On everything it could dwell

Swooshing and thumping noisily
It made sounds angrily
Miffed as it sounded
Mowed down everyone
That stood still
Not ran around hastily

It came close rushing
Inside my eardrum
Unafraid I was till then
And the second next
I feared that menacing
Winter chill


My teeth cluttering
And i gave a smile
Awry and dry
And my nose fluids
Clogged my throat
And another one
Passed gushing by

Oh mighty winter !
I would like a pagan
Would laud you now
Just don’t let
This promise slip by

Refer my plea
And be a sport my dear
Do let the festivities
And the new year
Bid adieu to you
By the bye !!

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