Self Expression Magazine

A Shooter of a Different Kind…

Posted on the 24 March 2015 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

Today is my husband’s birthday. I’m five years older than him so I really don’t have a great deal of sympathy when he starts whining about body aches and aging. I also can’t stand the fact that when I talk about David Rice grabbing my ass at senior prom while we slow danced to “End of the Road” by Boyz II Men, he points out that he was just about to enter middle school then.

Good times.

But, I try to get over my annoyance at his youth by having our kids make him super cute homemade cards and gifts. He’s gotten everything from a coupon book of kisses to a collection of drawings of them together holding hands. You know, the stuff that makes you forget how they puke and pee on you in the middle of the night.

However, this year’s gift from my son really takes the cake. Not for it’s cute factor. No, not at all. But rather, well… uhm… how about I just show you?

nerf gun cut out

Any guesses? Any ideas of what my darling little three-year-old son made for his daddy?

Ya ready for this?

It’s a Nerf gun.

Or like my son said, “It’s a Nerf Shooter – it shoots squishy things out of it.”

Yeah, I’m not kidding.

The most hilarious part was my husband’s face. He tried, really tried, not to laugh hysterically as he held a penis-like piece of construction paper in his hand. But when my son started asking him to “Shoot it, Daddy”, he couldn’t take it anymore and let all the laughter out, much to the confusion of our son.

So happy birthday dear husband. I might be older than you but at least I don’t have to hold a paper penis and pretend to shoot squishy stuff out of it.

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