I wanted to get some perfect photos of these word-love flowers I have been making, so after I dropped Samuel at school I found myself sitting on my butt on the cold, slightly damp dirt at the Panorama Bluffs because I thought the contrast between my purplish flowers and the burnt wheat color of whatever these bushes are would look interesting together.
Naturally the sun was too bright for me to see much of what I was shooting as I was shooting it, but I was bound and determined to get some good shots.
I also convinced myself the smell of the acrylic sealer which made them so nice and shiny would get minimized the more time I had the flowers out in the sunshine. This is more than likely true, but driving around in my car and checking on my non-living flowers throughout the day borders on very odd, even for me.
Nonetheless, I figured some of my friends who love making pretty things would

And I also figured they wouldn’t mind me throwing in this Work-in-Progress adorable 1950’s illustration of a little blonde boy with a “German Great Grandfather” reading in a 1932 text book.
Truly, though, it is the flowers that have my heart.
Until I make the next object I fall head over heels in love with next, that is.
= = =
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© 2013 by Julie Jordan Scott