Self Expression Magazine

Annual Report

Posted on the 04 January 2013 by Bvulcanius @BVulcanius

annual report bvulcanius 2012If you’re a WordPress user like me, you’ve probably looked at your “Annual Report”. Well, I thought I’d let you hear some details from mine.

I wrote 131 blog posts in 2012, which earned me about 3,300 views. Apparently a lot of people are interested in either Sir Philip Sidney or in spanking and bondage (?) because those are the search words that make people end up on my blog the most.

I got visitors from 94 different countries, but most visitors are from the U.S., The Netherlands and the U.K. (in order of volume). For me, the fact that my blog is being read all over the world, is the most exciting part of blogging.

The post that got the most comments was “Why Do Stories About Dogs Always Make Me Cry?” and my most frequent commenter is my dear friend jj (thanks!). However, I think my goal for this year is to try to increase the interaction somewhat. And yes, I know this goal isn’t SMART.

So, what about you? What did your “Annual Report” say? Please share it with me in the comments!


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